Sep 19, 2023Liked by Henrik Karlsson

Thank you Henrik, for conveying presentness of history through your collection of images and choice of words.

Your new series is beautifully touching, exactly as intended. Please keep on existing, no doubt about whether you deserve to do so. 🤗

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Hi Henrik, I have been living in Dresden for 2 years and I never knew about this piece or about Shostakovich. Thanks for writing this. I only discovered your newsletter a couple of days ago and I am so glad I did :)

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Remarkable work. Thank you.

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What an incredible piece - from the striking photographs (which made my son gape) to the detailed insights. I have just been reading pieces by Vaclav Havel and Benda, discussing life of resistance, and you have provided an additional perspective. Will certainly take the time to listen to the quartet in a very renewed light!

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> When I hear Shostakovich repeat his name again and again, what I hear is: “I, Dmitri Shostakovich, deserve to exist, in the face of this inhuman terror, in spite my cowardice, I deserve to exist.”

something in this reminds me of Borges's "The Form of the Sword".

do you ever write fiction?

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